Marcia Minor Opp is the oldest of the Minor “kids” in the
Second Generation. She and her husband Don live on the back
side of the farm, where the SpringHouse cows are milked in the
old Thome homestead. Their sons, Donny and Nathan, grew
up showing cows and pigs, building forts in the woods on the
farm, milking the cows, and riding their quad and Ranger over
the hills and dales! Don and Marcia are so thankful for the
amazing young men their sons have grown to be (even if they,
themselves, are a little biased!). Grace Methodist Church is the
Opp’s home church where they’ve enjoyed many years of Bible
Study and involvement in VBS and Wednesday Night Kids’
Programs. Their new love includes their menagerie of Frenchies
who provide lots of lap-filling and face-kissing and morning
snuggles! Marcia has such a passion for the SpringHouse and
loves that the business provides great farm-fresh food and fun in
memory-making experiences! She is so thankful to get to do a
job where she gets to use the gifts God has given her and gets to
make a difference at the same time!!